For a full list of availability on any of our energy work services, please email us at or message on any of our social media channels.

Past Life Journey with Kaitlyn


Embark on a profound journey into the depths of your soul with our Past Life Journey experience. Delve into another lifetime and uncover the wisdom necessary for your ongoing path of ancestral healing. This deeply intimate and personal session requires reverence and respect for yourself and the profound insights you may encounter. *Be sure to bring a notebook and pen to capture your reflections and revelations along the way.

After this transformative experience, you can expect to feel a sense of clarity and empowerment as you gain deeper insights into your past lives and their impact on your present. You may experience a profound sense of connection to your ancestors and a renewed sense of purpose as you continue your journey of self-discovery and healing.

Zodiac Journey with Kaitlyn

Embark on a personalized voyage within our salt cave, curated exclusively for you. Through an exploration of your "big 3" astrological placements, we'll unveil the blueprint of your inner cosmos. Guided by meditation, this experience aims to harmonize and align the unique elements that define you.

What to expect: After your Zodiac Journey, expect a profound sense of alignment and balance. You may feel more attuned to your inner self, with a heightened awareness of how your celestial energies influence your being.

Meet Your Guides with Kaitlyn

Are you prepared to encounter your spiritual guides? Immerse yourself in this transformative session, where the magic of oracle decks intertwines with personalized meditation. Journey within to connect with the guide depicted in your chosen card.

What to expect: Following your Meet Your Guides session, anticipate a profound sense of connection and guidance. You may experience clarity and insight as you forge a deeper bond with your spiritual mentors.

Human Design Reading with Kaitlyn

Unveil the intricate blueprint of your existence through a comprehensive Human Design reading with Kaitlyn. Delve into the depths of your energy type, personal strategy, decision-making process, and unique personality profile. Gain insights into where your energy flows consistently and where you absorb the energies of others.

What to expect: Following your Human Design Reading, anticipate a newfound understanding of yourself. You may experience a sense of empowerment as you align your actions with your inherent design, leading to greater authenticity and fulfillment.

Astrological Chart Reading with Kaitlyn

Transcend the boundaries of traditional horoscopes with a personalized Astrological Chart Reading by Kaitlyn. Explore the intricacies of your "big six" placements, including emotions, communication, love, romance, aggression, and your public persona.

What to expect: After your Astrological Chart Reading, anticipate a deeper comprehension of your cosmic imprint. You may experience clarity regarding your emotional landscape and interpersonal dynamics, fostering a deeper connection with yourself and others.

Grounding Session with Bree

Feeling overwhelmed by the demands of daily life? Seeking a sense of stability amidst the chaos? Allow Bree to guide you through personalized sessions designed to realign and harmonize your energy.

Commence your journey with an individualized tarot reading, illuminating the intricacies of your thoughts and emotions. Subsequently, engage in a meditative practice to embody and understand these feelings on a deeper level. Conclude the session with a discussion on practical strategies to cultivate regular grounding practices independently.

What to expect: Following your Grounding Session with Bree, anticipate a profound sense of finding your center and tranquility. You may experience clarity in your thoughts and emotions, coupled with practical tools to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.